Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sandra Bullock Adopts Baby; Leaves Jesse James.

good for her.

Honestly, the answer to why she was even married to Mr. Motorcycle man is unbeknownst to me. Louis Bardo Bullock is the new man in her life. And by man I mean infant. From New Orleans. Yes, she adopted a baby boy from The Big Easy.

Some people's reactions to this might go something like this; "WHAAAAA??"

But I think it's the perfect distraction from her less-than-perfect life. Just look at some other examples of celebs who adopted when the going got a little tough:

1. Sheryl Crow : following her spilt from Lance Armstrong and in the midst of finding out she had breast cancer, the singer adopted son Wyatt.

2. Ricky Martin : adopted twin baby boys... right after coming out of the closet. What better way to show the world that one daddy is better than no mommy ?!

3. Need I say it - Angelina Jolie : who even knows her kid-count these days? Let's just play it safe and say ALOT. And while one may argue that her life is not that 'tough' right now- she's with Brad Pit, ahem!- we can all agree that for quite some time it was not. coughBILLYBOBTHORTONcough.

So good work Sandy. You can now join the ranks of these fine celebrities and become a member in the Shit-Got-Outta-Wack-So-I-Adopted-a-Child-Club.

We loved your motherly role in The Blind Side, and we'll love your new role as a real-life mother to baby Bullock.